This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by
Goddess Fish Promotions. Nathaniel Koszer will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
What is the favorite book you remember as a child?
I could not put down the Animorphs series by K.A. Applegate. I owned every single volume including the side stories detailing the history of the Andelite/Yeerk wars prior to their arrival on Earth. The series had a huge effect on me and is probably a big reason why I write ensemble casts now.
What is your favorite book today?
I didn’t read 1984 until I was an adult, and it profoundly affected me. I had to put down the book and gather myself when Winston betrayed Julia. I still regularly utter “we were always at war with East Asia” whenever I hear facts being warped by politicians or the news media.
Tell us about your current book in 10 words.
Kinetics is a bio-punk thriller, and sequel to 2024’s Latency.
What are you reading right now?
The book is titled “Growing Up in Vincy,” by Dr. Nicholette Spring. I have a connection with Nicholette through my day-job, and when we found out that each other are authors we bought each other’s novels. The book is about her life growing up in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and it has been fascinating to read!
What books do you have on hold at the library?
None at the moment. I am cautiously optimistic that after the release of Kinetics, I will have a little more time to consume books again.
Do you have any bad book habits?
Not reading often enough is certainly my worst book habit. I wish I read more but it’s rare I have the time.
E-Reader or print? and why?
If I had to choose between those two it would be e-reader. The only time I ever really get to read is on the subway, and e-readers are more comfortable in that space since they can easily be held in one hand. That being said, I usually gravitate towards audiobooks over words on a page/screen.
One book at a time or multiples?
Until I read this question I did not even consider that someone would read multiple books at a time. Is that a thing? How do you keep the plots straight in your head? I have so many questions.
Dog-ear or bookmark? (don’t worry—Librarian Judith won’t hold it against you—much)
Dog-ear only in emergency situations (like if I lost my bookmark). If I am reading a paper book, I will usually bookmark it.
Least favorite book you’ve read this year?
I am ashamed to say I have only read two books this year, Growing Up in Vincy and my own. So, depending on the day and how confident I’m feeling, my own book may or may not be my least favorite.
Favorite book you’ve read this year?
Same as above! There are days when I love my book and days when I get in my own head about it. Growing Up in Vincy is consistently solid.
When do you do most of your reading?
On the subway to and from work. It is really the only time I have to dedicate to the cause.
Favorite place to read?
Anywhere outdoors that has low sun glare! Reading outside is so calming, especially if it’s somewhere with a lot of nature around.
Favorite genre?
I am a voracious consumer of sci-fi across all media. Always have been and probably always will be. It’s the perfect amount of escapism and reality for me.
Do you loan your books?
I certainly have loaned books, but not regularly. I also don’t own that many printed books, so it’s not often that someone wants a book I happen to have.
Favorite book to recommend?
Besides my own, it would probably be The Arcadia Project series by Mishell Baker. It is technically a fantasy series but treats fantasy more like a sci-fi author would. It is an interesting take, and I love the disabled character representation.
How do you keep your books organized?
All my printed books fit on one shelf, so this isn’t too difficult for me. Actually, my book shelf is relatively tame compared to the shelf below it, which contains my trading card collection and is an absolute mess.
Re-reader or not?
I have very rarely reread a book, but it has happened. There were some Michael Crichton books I read as a kid that I reread as an adult to understand them better. Usually though, I am once through and done.
What would make you not finish a book?
The only book I can recall never finishing was Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy, and that wasn’t because of the content or lack of interest. I bought that book in an airport to have something to do while flying (this was before cell phones and the flight was too short for a movie). After that point, Rainbow Six became the book I picked up when flying or if I knew I was going to be waiting around for a long time, like for jury duty. I simply never made it to the end.
Keep books or give them away?
Since I am usually a one-and-done reader, I have given away far more books than I have kept. The only time I keep a book is if it holds significant sentimental value, or if it’s a reference book for writing or some other skill set I use frequently.
After stoking rebellions across the globe, six super-powered LO-ECs dealt a massive blow to the military by disabling their worldwide communication tower. But in doing so, they suffered grave injuries, and Spidre, the world leader, will not let them rest. As he desperately clings to power, there is only one course of action for the LO-ECs: hide and heal, then finally bring the fight to Spidre’s front door.
Breaching Spidre’s force field will require splitting up and launching simultaneous surprise attacks all over the world. And in some of these places, the military is the least of the LO-ECs’ concerns. They’ll also face legions of robots controlled by an eccentric oligarch, guerilla outfits led by their own super-powered LO-ECs, and the ever-present threat of being discovered and bombed into dust by a world leader with nothing left to lose.
If their power is enough to survive all of this, the reward for the LO-ECs is a confrontation with Spidre at his compound, complete with all of the secrets and plans he has amassed for the last twenty years.
“So how do you feel? And I need you to be honest with me,” Symon asked.
“No pain. Honestly. Not from the jaw, not from my arm and not from the ribs,” Nadine replied.
Symon sighed. “Okay, I believe you. You are cleared for takeoff,” he said with a smirk.
As soon as Symon uttered those words, Nadine took to the air and screamed at the top of her lungs. She started doing laps above Heinz field, circling ever higher and farther outward. From the second Nadine had learned to fly, every takeoff had been for a purpose: fighting Spidre’s peacekeeper soldiers, saving Edgar so she could confess her love, escaping an ambush, playing her part in bringing down the Net Tower and crippling the military’s communications. Add to that an additional six weeks of being grounded due to injuries from the net tower assault, and it all made this into a moment of complete ecstasy for her. She hoped to follow this celebratory flight with a celebratory fight, but when she looked south, where the peacekeepers had decided to attack today, she could see them in retreat at the hands of Edgar, Naren, and Victor.
As much as she wanted to get involved, she knew that if they had it under control, then strategically speaking she was more useful waiting at Heinz field in case another attack came from somewhere else. Spidre’s army had tried this strategy many times while she was recovering, and on a few occasions they’d almost succeeded. So she descended back to the field, toward a lonely orange glow at the northeast corner. It was Sera. She was awake but lying down on a mattress with a bunch of pillows propping up her back.
“Glad to see you didn’t forget how to fly!” Sera joked as Nadine landed next to her.
Nadine chuckled. “I spent 26 years trying to get off the ground. You are all lucky I ever came back down.”
Nate grew up in Brooklyn NY, but now calls the Bronx home along with his wife and their sons. Nate grew up on all things sci-fi. Partly due to his chronic illness, Nate always had a special place in his heart for the X-Men, and especially the invulnerable Wolverine. This was heavy inspiration for his first novel, Latency a superhero sci-fi story which released March 5, 2024. His second novel, Kinetics, will release on March 4, 2025.