Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Straight Chatting from the Library: K.M. Warfield

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. K. M. Warfield will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


What is the favorite book you remember as a child? I had two. ‘The Treasure is the Rose’ and ‘Masha’.

What is your favorite book today? Only one? I have a dozen! It’s easier to name authors. Nick Pollotta, David & Leigh Eddings, Steven R. Boyett, and Patricia Kennelly-Morrison.

Tell us about your current book in 10 words. Family isn’t always blood, but people who have your back.

What are you reading right now? Most recently, it was an early ARC for ‘Mage Breaker’ by Sean R. Frazier.

What books do you have on hold at the library? None at the moment!

Do you have any bad book habits? Bad book habits – not really. It’s more that I’m extremely picky about who gets to read copies I have. I don’t break the spine, dog ear corners, etc. If you can’t respect the book, you don’t get to borrow from my collection.

E-Reader or print? and why? Both! E-reader is great when I’m traveling. I remember tote bags full of books for car trips as a kid. Those things were heavy! But there’s absolutely nothing like holding a print version in your hands.

One book at a time or multiples? One. And I can’t read a book when I’m writing one. I have a horrible habit of transferring things into my work. I could read a joke-filled book and my main character will start dropping puns at all the wrong times next time I write!

Dog-ear or bookmark? (don't worry—Librarian Judith won't hold it against you—much) Bookmark.

Least favorite book you've read this year? I’ve been buried with promotion for this title and edits for the next in the series. I haven’t read anything else yet this year!

Favorite book you've read this year? See above

When do you do most of your reading? My day job is a feast or famine type position. I tend to have a fair amount of downtime. I’ve got a book I want to finish in my tote now. If I take it to work, I may get some progress done.

avorite place to read? Ideally, curled up on a couch or oversized chair. Water bottle nearby, throw blanket across my lap. And my cats sleeping nearby instead of between me and my book.

Favorite genre? Fantasy

Do you loan your books? Rarely, and only to people I trust. I’ve lost books before. Now I’m more cautious.

Favorite book to recommend? ‘That Darn Squid God’ by James Clay and Nick Pollotta

How do you keep your books organized? By genre, first. Then by author. Series titles are in order.

Re-reader or not? YES!!!! If I can remember specifics of the book or the characters, it stays on my shelf and gets read multiple times.

What would make you not finish a book? Poor writing. Inconsistencies in timeline/plot/character details. Absolute detachment from known fact (i.e. it takes less than 2 months for someone to be arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced in NYC)

Keep books or give them away? It depends on the book. If it’s signed, it stays. If it’s something I reread and/or think about more than once a year, it stays. The rest? They can be given to someone who will connect with it more than I did.


Thia Bransdottir is shunned for being half Fallen, a race feared by many. She tries to disguise her lineage, but her lilac eyes make it impossible. When her Father is killed, she is taken to the cloister to be a servant of her faith. Jinaari Althir is sworn to protect Thia from the disgraced half of her heritage. Under his holy vows, he must keep others from killing her for their prejudice and using her for her power. He must succeed, there is no room for failure. Trust for someone like Thia is difficult. Jinaari may say he is there to protect her, but can he truly do his best when he knows she is of the Fallen? Will Thia stay safe in order to fulfill her purpose or is she fated to die for her origins?


“Are you sure about her?” Adam’s voice was low, but she could hear him easily.

“Garret and Keroys both are. The priest said she was the best they had. She healed me at one point.”

“What happened?”

“Alesso got a cheap shot.”

“I don’t know, Jinaari. She’s Fallen. They’re not known for holding to laws or vows.”

“She’s also human, Adam. On our way here, we got jumped by a pack of Dangreth. She turned them into ash faster than I could blink.” There was admiration in his voice. “I only took out two . . . she took out ten. Keroys instilled his hatred of the undead in her. She asked if we’d be encountering more in Tanisal. I think she’s looking forward to wiping the city clean of anything evil.”

“Where’s she from? Humans and the Fallen rarely interact, let alone mate.”

“Ask her.”

“Don’t you know?” Adam asked.

“I do,” Jinaari paused, “and she trusted me enough to give me an answer. I’m not going to betray that. I don’t think she told me everything, not yet. Her life this far hasn’t been easy, even at the cloister. Trust isn’t something that she blindly gives. You gotta earn it. Garret said I had to keep her safe. From what, I don’t know. But I made a vow to him and Keroys to do that.” He paused. “She’s not like what Alesso and his kind think, Adam. She takes after her human side. As long as you show you’re okay with her heritage, trust her, she’ll come around. And she’s damn good at magic.”


Born in the late 1960's, K. M. has lived most of her live in the Pacific NW. While she's always been creative, she didn't turn towards writing until 2008. Writing under the pen name of KateMarie Collins, she released several titles. In 2019, the decision was made to forge a new path with her books. The Heroes of Avoch series, along with a new pen name, is the end result. When she's not writing, she loves playing Dungeons & Dragons with friends, watching movies, and cuddling up with her cat. K. M. resides with her family in what she likes to refer to as 'Seattle Suburbia'.



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