Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Straight Chatting from the Library: L.V. Clark

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. L.V. Clark will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


When did you first consider yourself to be a writer?

Never. Even now with the book published and sales going up, I've never actually considered myself a writer. I feel like I am just a person with a story to tell

What advice do you have for a new writer?

Don't force it. If you force scenes, conversations, characters, or plot, it won't sound right. The story has to have your/your character's real voice. Forcing it will make the voice sound convoluted. In writing, you are not just climbing a mountain. You're building it.

What is the easiest part of the writing process for you?

Arguments, haha! Growing up with six sisters, I got really, really good at arguing and planning Arguments. Credit goes to my sisters!

What is your favorite part of this story?

Watching Nydia's changes and growth. In this first book, she made small changes as she started realizing who she was. Just the small bits of confidence that started shining. Obviously, she isn't fully developed yet. That's where the following books come in.

Which character was the most fun to write about? Why?

Oh Mattock and Gregory/Grey are fun characters to write about. They are both mixes of people I grew up with with little bits of me, my husband, my sister (won't say which one). And it's fun seeing those parts really express themselves. It's almost like meeting them as they were back when we were younger.

Which character was the hardest to write about? Why?

Probably Aither. A sizeable percentage of his character is a piece of me that I didn't quite like as I was growing. It would always be there, and I could see the merits of those traits, but I mostly saw how it damaged the other, more likeable parts of me. That's not to say I hated writing for Aither, I loved it truly. It was just hard trying to tap into hid mindset again.


Alviton was a strong, prospering country, full of light. The people worked side by side with the Fae, creatures blessed with magic. But that was before the war. Massive genocide and fear of the Fae touched everyone as brother turned against brother. Years later, and still reeling from the war, the new generation has clawed and connived to remove the stains left by their predecessors.

Sheltered from this reality, Nydia lives her life relatively happy and ignorant, surrounded by smoke and mirrors. But eventually glass shatters and smoke settles. As she struggles to unveil the truth about herself and the people around her, danger lies on the horizon, threatening to extinguish the small flicker of light in this dark and twisted country.


“You could run. Right now, you could run. Your tyranite would never know,” I begged, signaling Janook to get Churan out of here. He was in no shape to fight again. I felt them behind me line up against a window that they’d jump through the second I made my move. Three lashings for destroying property, but better the lashings than being executed.

“Yes, he will! Who do you think let us out of our chains to kill you?! He needs money and we need to survive! This is the only way.”

They closed in further, and I backed away. I know there is a small space in between the buildings to my left. It would slow me down, but it’s either that or fight my way out and risk execution. I bumped into Janook, and he dropped a rock in my hands. This is it. In an instant, I chucked the rock at number two’s head, and he fell to the ground. Janook threw Churan over his shoulder and busted through the window, while I cut to my left into the crevice between the walls. My shoulders bumped into the wooden and brick panels as I sprinted through the backroads. Five and nine were a couple feet behind me. I cursed under my breath, trying to figure out a game plan. The workhouse is too far and no one in town would stop them from killing me. I cursed again. I pulled down boxes and debris behind me to slow them down. That gave me a couple more feet.

“I have to get out of here. I have to get out of Ractane.”

I flew through the walls towards the outskirts until I saw my refuge - the forest. I don’t know the forest well, but they don’t know it at all. I could lose them if I could get there. I drove my legs into the unpaved ground, feeling the ache in my quads and the pull in the arches of my feet. The frigid wind bit at my face, forcing my eyes to water. I cut through the forest, basslemouth trees speeding past me and mud slapping under my feet. My lungs screamed for me to stop, and I couldn’t deny them anymore. I whipped around and threw up my hands, ready to fight for my life.


Clark has had this story in their head for over a decade, and they finally got it on paper. Clark used their other hobbies—weight lifting and crocheting—to help develop ideas and work through any blocks. They grew up in the south of the United States with their large family. Clark is happily married with two sweet dogs and an apathetic ball python.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Expect more to the story!


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The book sounds very intriguing. I loved the cover!

  2. The Secret of Alviton sounds intriguing.

  3. Thank you for sharing your interview, bio and book details, The Secret of Alviton is a must read for me and I can't wait to meet the characters
