Monday, August 29, 2022

Straight Chatting from the Library: Jay Ibrahim

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jay Ibrahim will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


What is the favorite book you remember as a child?
Tomorrow when the war began by John Marsden

What is your favorite book today?
The 5am Club and The Monk who sold his Ferrari

Tell us about your current book in 10 words.
How to live a life of excellence in health wealth relationships and spirituality

What are you reading right now?
The CEO next door Elena L. Botelho, The New Earth Eckhart Tolle and Tough by Terry Crews

Do you have any bad book habits?
I have two books sitting in my bathroom that I read using the toilet

One book at a time or multiples?
Multiples all the way

Least favorite book you've read this year?
Every book has a message and something inspirational that it provided, so I cant say there is a least book

Favorite book you've read this year?
book of life Alain de Botton
When do you do most of your reading?
At 5am

Favorite place to read?
Lounge room with armchair and overhead lamp

Favorite book to recommend?
book of life Alain de Botton

Re-reader or not?
Every book reads differently the second time, so it is highly recommended to re-read a book that was inspirational and moving


Raise the Bar is about leaving the world of normalcy and mediocrity and raising yourself above your standard. It is about living a life of excellence and mastery in all aspects of your life, including health, wealth, relationships and spirituality. Most of us are good, but when we are told how to live great, we say, "I'm good enough." This mindset is damaging and limiting, hence we succumb to our thoughts, not our potential. This book will take you on a thirty-day journey to take your life to extraordinary levels and become whole. Raise the bar in everything that you do and become a legacy-maker.


Stand in front of the mirror and look at your body - are you happy with it? If not, what is that you seek to gain or lose? Here is the thing: you are not allowed to hate your body because that creates nothing more than a spiralling negative effect on yourself and your body. Your body is simply a by-product of your own creation, meaning you cannot really hate your body. That is counterproductive; you can’t hate a car that you bought because it doesn’t feel or drive right. You choose the car, just like you choose your body. It did not create itself; it happened over a long period.

Instead, what I want you to do is dislike the habits that created the body you see and the thought processes that led to where you are now. Your body did not do anything wrong. It followed its biological responsibility to consume food and drink. Hence, it is only repaying you for what you have done to it.

I remember going to the beach and seeing every single parent wearing shirts to cover their bodies while in the water, rather than enjoying being in the water with shirts off. I mean really enjoying the sun, the experience, the sensation of the water and how it feels on your body. Instead, people wearing shirts speaks volumes because it says, “I do not like my body and what I have done for it, so I am going to deprive myself of this great experience just to avoid shame.” Shame is a mindset and mental reaction to an action that you have repeatedly done toward your body. So, if your definition of the ideal body is something else than what you currently have, then find that habit that resulted in that and put all your emotions toward going the other way and start loving your body for being there for you. Take the time to thank your body.

Take the time to think about what type of healthy body you want to become in the next 30 days. This new habit will become ingrained, and you will benefit from this way of thinking. It should always come back to YOU. Nobody else will enjoy it more than you. It is your body to stare at in the mirror and say thank you.

Define that body in all its details, make it realistic and achievable but hard enough that it scares you. Your body will thank you as your habits will implicate these results. Put that ideal person on the mirror as a source of motivation. Remember, it is the habit that is discouraged, not the person.


Jay Ibrahim is an entrepreneur who revolutionized the relationship world. His background in psychology, behavioural psych, Applied Behavior Analysis, psychotherapy and rehab counselling over the last eleven years puts him ahead of the race when it comes to relationships, conflict and resorting to your love life once again. His decades of experience and profound knowledge of modern ages and classic strategies of resorting to relationships and communication give all his clients the comfort to know they are in good hands, and that there is no problem he can't handle. Jay has an online platform called Metanoia Academy. Ultimate Freedom Journey is one of his successful programs, helping thousands of people raise the bar in health, wealth, relationships, and spirituality and live a life of freedom mentality. He is a world-renowned love doctor mentoring clients on how to be the ultimate man.

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  1. I enjoyed reading the interview and getting to know you a bit, Jay, your book sounds like a brilliant read!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a spectacular week!

  2. I love the cover and think the book sounds good.

  3. That made me think…You can’t really hate your body because your habits create it. This is why I look like a potato 😂

  4. The book sounds very intriguing. Great cover!
