Thursday, October 10, 2024

Straight Browsing from the Library: Choice by Dora Farkas

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Val is a young Mexican-American quantum physicist and single mother struggling with an anxiety disorder and financial challenges. Her world is turned upside down when her ex-husband files for full custody of their three-year-old daughter to take her across the country where he was offered a job. The story unfolds as she decides either to stay put in Boston and meet job related deadlines or go on a holiday and visit her parents in Mexico.

Encouraged by her father, Val flies to Mexico with Maya, her service dog, and Daisy, her daughter, and she discovers a world of magic that will change her outlook on life forever. She also reconnects with her childhood friend, Mercedes, who gives her a glimmer of hope. Things, however, are not what they seem to be. As all areas of her life begin to fall apart, Val must explore the power of her intuition and make different choices to change the course of her and her daughter’s futures.


A wave of nausea travels through my body as I mentally review the schedule for the last workday before my trip. With a day full of tasks to wrap up before my trip, an appointment with my psychiatrist, and taking care of Daisy, I don’t know how I will have time to edit the scientific paper that will be key for my promotion to a tenured professor next year. Without the promotion, I will be asked to leave the university and find a new position somewhere else.

Maya picks up on the shift in my energy and rubs up against my legs, interrupting my thoughts. I bend down to pet her and feel the velvety softness of her pink “Service Dog” vest. Mom brought me Maya eight years ago from Oaxaca for my twenty-sixth birthday, but shortly after I had my first panic attack, and my psychiatrist recommended that I train Maya to be a service dog. I didn’t think that toy Chihuahuas could be service dogs, but Maya’s interventions helped me to finish my PhD, get through my divorce, and publish papers on the applications of quantum computing for outer space exploration.


Although Dora was born in Budapest, Hungary, she lived in Mexico for five years during her early childhood. Her connection to the Mexican language, history, and cooking inspired the cultural setting for her debut novel, “Choice.”

After getting her doctorate from MIT, she published her first book, “The Smart Way to Your Ph.D.” which paved the way for a six-figure consulting business while she was a stay-at-home mom with two daughters. She has given workshops about writing at MIT, Tufts, Boston University, the University of Connecticut, Ohio State University, the Scripps Research Institute, the University of Calgary, and the University of British Columbia.

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